Another little edge that we have added to our range are the concentrated bait sprays. Ideal for boosting any hook baits including popups and wafters, a couple of squirts into your pot, a quick shake and you're away, and probably catching fish such is the pulling power of these hookbait sprays!
8 product(s) found
Apocalypse Hookbait Enhancer Spray
95 in stock
Kream Krunch Jaffa Hookbait Enhancer Spray
81 in stock
Kriller Hookbait Enhancer Spray
100 in stock
Maple Cream EA Hookbait Enhancer Spray
100 in stock
Reaper Nut Mix (RNM) Hookbait Enhancer Spray
93 in stock
Squid-2T Hookbait Enhancer Spray
59 in stock
Strawberry Cream EA Hookbait Enhancer Spray
100 in stock
The Fix Hookbait Enhancer Spray
96 in stock